Friday, September 21, 2007

Last Niiight

I drove the porsche for the first time last night. I also drove a stick shift for basically the first time last night. That is not a particularly comfortable thing, and frankly I would probably have done better to just practice for a while, but the concept seemed fairly simple: Clutch down, gas in, clutch up. What is so hard about that?

Of course, I did not anticipate the speed that the porsche is capable of...nor did I anticipate, at any point, how fucking dangerous it is to drive on 95 N and then in Baltimore with little to no experience behind the wheel of a sick sports car. So that was new.

Somehow I survived, and had no accidents or anything like that. I did learn that I do not like steep hills at all. Nor do I like stop and go traffic in the slightest. I do rather enjoy driving on open road, with the engine just purring beneath me. That, that I can understand, and understand rightly enough.

Today I get my nissan back, my reliable and trusty steed. I don't want him back. That is fairly clear. There is something about driving in a nice sports car that makes you realize just how terrible it is to drive in anything else, anything that doesn't have the same sense of motion, the same passion. A car is just a car. Unless it is something else entirely - those who have never driven one might scoff, but I assure you that it is indeed the case with this one.

I have a lot of things to do today, including dinner with a great friend of mine. I hope that I manage to get to everything. I hope everyone is doing well. Ciao, bunnies.

let me know about summers in spain

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