Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Some defining moments of the Dan Deacon/Girltalk show:

1)Dan Deacon was mixing, lying on the floor in front of the stage. He was sick or something, but it was cool. It was like a little love in.

2)Playing the entirety of his 11 minute song with lyrics projected up onto the screen.

3)people dancing EVERYWHERE

4)Girltalk crowd surfing and then surfing back to the stage and mixing it up.

5)When Girltalk mixed in Kelly Clarkson and every fucking person there knew the song. Hell, I know the song. Since you've been gooooonnnnneeeeeeeeeee I can feeeeeeel for the first time.

6)Dancing for hours and drinking water and not alcohol.

7)The casalino sisters are fucking hot.

8)I did not hit on Giulia, which is surprising even to me.

9)Leaving the show covered in sweat, walking to Republic, and getting my sunglasses back.

10)The cute little girl dancing in front of me, and the tall hot girl next to her. It was like, "take your pick, gentlemen".

So I am still basically recovering from the last weekend. I ran in the gym for a few hours last night and watched two episodes of law and order while doing so - I can't think of a show that I have seen more definitively. When I was younger I used to watch the episodes that came on during the day on A&E. Nowadays everything has to become so edgy - SVU and all of that shit is perhaps more indicative of the voyeur mindset than it is in any recognizeable growth in atrocity.

Yet where does it all end? Does it end when everyone is a criminal, when those emotions that define us as humans are no longer within us? How many of us, the somewhat priveleged generation, can say that we are not apathetic, that we are not spending our lives exactly as they come in - fuck the future. Look to the next generation and the discouragement is so strong that I wonder if perhaps there will be a generation after that.

Even in all of this, there is hope. There is always hope...though at times it can seem like an illness rather than a blessing. The Greeks considered hope to be the most dangerous of man's ills, as it rendered his ability valueless. I wonder how we will see it in a hundred years, whether it will still be a virtue in a sea of apathy.


oh my my my my my my my my

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